Cliff Dwellers Restaurant • Lees Ferry AZ

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Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 10.09.50 AM Hard upon the Anglers Guide Fly Shop, in front of a row of neat rental bungalows, stretches a porch with an impressive view.  Rows of tables await the weary, the excited, the sunburned.  A small restaurant attached with a few tables inside as well, this establishment is Cliff Dwellers Restaurant.

YOU WILL NOT “STUMBLE UPON it if driving US-89 north.  No, this requires an intentional detour upon US-89 Alternate, which was recently engineered by bridge construction.  Such unplanned detours remind me to fuel up frequently, as this stretch of 89 Alternate boasts only one station, catering to the forgetful.Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 10.10.02 AM

Tired, I cared not for decision-making.  To my rescue came waitress-proprietor Mrs. Davis who, along with her husband, manages the entire establishment.  fish tacos were recommended, ordered, and consumed.  Taking into consideration Marble Canyon is the “End Of The Line” either direction you look, the grub was excellent.  Even if this restaurant was in an urban center, it would still score high marks.  Sure, fresh ingredients are more challenging to obtain, but the flavor, texture, presentation, and decor are top-notch.

Cliff Dwellers Restaurant, in the middle of God’s Country. Highly recommended!

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