Casa Denogean • Superior, AZ

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Screen Shot 2015-01-08 at 11.44.17 AMAFTER A SUPER LOVELY STROLL through Boyce Thompson Arboretum State Park, Ace Muncher and Magnet Muncher were on the prowl for vittles.  Only three miles to the east lies the historic town of Superior.  A quick drive drive along Rt-60, we roll into Superior.  Halfway between here and there, the restaurant seems to cater to the mid-week worker lunch crowd.

oService was just fast enough to indicate a busy restaurant where everyone pitches in with the cooking and serving.  A simple menu, no foo-foo “creations”.  Instead, we got what we would have made at home, but it was a little better.  Sort of like my friend’s mom’s cooking.

Three people can come out of there filled and ready for action (or a nap!) for under twenty bucks, soft drinks and tip included!  A definite stop-over the next time I’m visiting the area!

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