Friskies Seafood Sensations

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Purina Friskies Seafood Sensations detailWow!  To read cat food reviews in preparation of this article, you’d think the outcome involved Freedom of Religion or a new 90% tax rate!  The final determination?  Americans are nutty about their pets.  Tastes Great vs. Better Nutrition.  Ho, hum . . . I’ll keep buying the food my “porch cat” loves.

Purina Friskies Seafood Sensations full sizeA couple decades ago a different porch cat lived here.  I’d lay out three or four types of food at a time, for variety.  The cat would eat them all, choosing one for the whole meal.  Patterns of brand preference developed, were observed, recorded, and added to a statistical database.  The outcome?  Two cats later, the results are in.  Cats  who eat dry food prefer Purina and Friskies.

The foo-foo “healthy” stuff?  Sorry, that doesn’t work.  The cat does not read labels.  Rule of thumb:  If it smells like fish food, the cat will not eat it.  Would you?

porch cat at christmas


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